Steve Calvert
Steve Calvert has been a full-time minister/pastor for more than 35 years, and, in conjunction with that, served his communities as a firefighter/emergency medical technician (EMT) for 10 of those years. He has been a fire department chaplain since he first joined the fire service in 1982. Having attained his associate’s degree in biblical studies and communication from Florida College, and his B.A. in psychology/sociology from the University of Alabama, he continues to grow individually, spiritually and professionally.
Following the fertilizer plant explosion in West Texas in 2013, Steve has devoted his full time to working through his non-profit ministry, Champion Responders, and continuing to serve as chaplain for the Coppell Fire Department and other agencies. He is an active member of the International Federation of Fire Chaplains (Instructor), the Texas Corps of Fire Chaplains (former president) and the Texas Line of Duty Death Task Force. He is certified in Critical Incident Stress Management and works with fire departments and firefighters who are exposed to especially traumatic events.
At the request of his fire chief, Steve developed a training program on “Mental Resiliency for Firefighters and Emergency Responders” that is now gaining national attention and being taught to firefighters and fire departments throughout the country. The program, called “In for the Long Haul (Bunker Gear for the Mind)” helps emergency responders prepare mentally, spiritually and emotionally for a life-long career of exposure to trauma.
After serving his first 20 years in ministry, Steve took a sabbatical and worked in the field of human resources and professional training and development. He served as HR director for two national companies, one in mental healthcare, the other in technology. He also served as a central U.S. regional director of training and professional development for an international technology company. Steve has conducted educational training seminars on personal, spiritual and professional growth throughout the United States, Canada, Asia, Africa and Europe, including with Fortune 100 companies through his own consulting firm called “NewLife Skills.” His passion is partnering with individuals in growing personally, professionally and spiritually, primarily using the Uniquely You-DISC profile and spiritual gifts inventory. Steve, and other Uniquely You associates, have used both faith-based and secular Uniquely You-DISC profiles to help resource employees at Walt Disney World, Zig Ziglar, AT&T, Wal-Mart, DuPont, John Deere, Acura, Minirth & Meier/New Life, Rapha, Motorola, American Express, AIG Insurance, Dallas Theological Seminary, plus many of America's largest churches and schools. After that, he returned to church ministry and served until 2014
Steve and Gina have three adult children: Katrina, Danica and Jared. Steve enjoys hunting, fishing, backpacking, riding his motorcycle and playing music in live venues.
