Catholic Engineering Corps
Finally a Roman Catholic organization which has the technical expertise to ensure that all development projects are done sustainably and appropriately. Catholic Engineering Corps (CEC) brings people the love of Christ while providing long-lasting engineering to those who need it in the U.S. and abroad.
For over half a century the international development sector has poured billions of dollars into the developing world with the intent to improve the lives of the poor. However, according to Water For Life Rating, 35-50% of these projects fail. Additionally, most of these infrastructure projects were never intended to bring the love of Jesus with their humanitarian aid. Catholic Engineering Corps (CEC) is improving the lives of people in developing communities through participation in high-quality engineering projects, while intentionally providing the love of God to those who need it. Additionally, CEC volunteers themselves are meeting the needs of the poor Jesus while working alongside fellow disciples, and are exposed to the skills and knowledge necessary to play a leadership role in 21st century society. Volunteers are growing in their walk with God, increasing their evangelization skills, gaining technical proficiency, understanding the global environment, experiencing cultural diversity, learning how to lead and manage, and coming to understand thinking holistically and sustainability. These fruits are demonstrated and verified by successful CEC project work in communities as well as in the spiritual development of both partners and volunteers.
There is a national and international need for this type of Christian engineering capable of addressing current and future global challenges of the spirit and body. Today, billions of people go without adequate water, sanitation, housing and power. Many of these same people have lost their hope in God due to extreme poverty, war, and a lack of authentic Catholic evangelization. Envision the future where thousands of Catholic Christian volunteers undertake and successfully complete sustainable development projects while bringing Christ to others and drawing closer to Him themselves.
Why the Catholic Engineering Corps organization?
Currently, many organizations exist which complete humanitarian development projects. Some of these do their work as Christians. Yet few, if any, of these development organizations have the technical skills to ensure that work is done sustainably and appropriately for the community. These organizations seek the expertise of the Catholic Engineering Corps for their projects due to our unique skills and Christian perspective. CEC volunteers are experts in their fields of engineering, are ethically grounded, have a service mentality, take a collaborative multidisciplinary approach; and are self-starters who appreciate experience, are global in thinking, have cultural dexterity, and are good team players. CEC is specifically designed to address the needs of humanitarian development with Jesus’ heart.
What does the Catholic Engineering Corps organization look like?
CEC consists of a small group of staff that coordinates development projects in the U.S. and abroad. Teams of volunteers, including engineers, architects, public health experts, sociologists and anthropologists, travel to project sites to complete the work. This is an organization with a uniquely Catholic Christian perspective. It includes both student and professional volunteers. It includes structures to evaluate proposed community programs as well as designs for engineering projects. Projects are completed in all fields of engineering, including water, sanitation, structures (buildings, bridges), civil works (flood control, road repair), agriculture, energy and information technology. Work is completed in both long-term development projects as well as in emergency aid.
How does the Catholic Engineering Corps organization work?
The process begins when a community or organization requests the assistance of CEC to meet a technical necessity in their community. This request is formalized with a completed Program Application which could include one or more projects. This application is reviewed by a committee to ensure that the proposed program and partner organization coincide with CEC’s mission and vision. The receiving community signs a letter of intent to provide financial and in-kind contributions to the program to ensure long-term ownership of the projects. CEC then signs an agreement with the community, the partner organization and the local government to work with the community for an average of seven years to complete the project or projects within the accepted community program. Once the program is accepted, CEC a staff member is assigned to the first project to oversee the work from assessment to design to construction to monitoring to closeout. The staff works with a team of volunteers who travel to the site along with local partners to assess the problem and check in person that indeed the program is a good fit between the community and CEC. The team then designs a solution to the problem encountered in the community. This process includes constant communication with the community and local partners to ensure that the design chosen is picked by the community from a range of options offered by CEC. Once the design is complete it is assessed by an independent committee to ensure it is technically sound and appropriate for the community. Once approved, the project is then constructed by a volunteer team with the necessary skills to complete the project alongside the community. The project is then monitored at least once a year following construction completion to check if it is still working according to design. The entire program is evaluated from beginning to end to see what change has occurred in the community, positive or negative, how CEC has contributed to that change, and what can be learned from the program for the community and for improving CEC’s work.
CEC is also called upon to provide technical expertise to other development organizations. These organizations apply to CEC for assistance with a Technical Assistance Request. If the request is in line with CEC’s mission and vision, CEC puts together a team of volunteers and staff experts and completes the requested assistance.
Request more information on the Catholic Engineering Corps organization
Interested in learning more?
Contact Joshua Knight at, +1-303-919-2872