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Bruce & Marla Vlieger

Bruce Vlieger – Director of Ezra

Bruce’s heart is to build long-term gospel-centered relationships to further the Kingdom with those on the edge of society - the broken, bedraggled, beat up, burnt out, bent and bruised. This population has been exiled, forgotten, and essentially kicked to the curb by society. Since 2004, Bruce has worked with street kids in Denver. The first 3 years were at Sox Place, a drop-in center for street kids downtown. In 2007, he transitioned to Open Door Ministries where he co-directed Ezra and Street2Life Printshop. During that time, Ezra hosted dinners for street kids, did outreach to people downtown, led Bible Studies, offered an art studio, and did one on one discipling. Now living in Fort Morgan, Bruce continues as the director of Ezra doing outreach and discipling street-connected individuals in Denver two days a week in person and stays connected from Fort Morgan remotely, doing Bible Studies and discipling men, many of whom he's known since 2004. He is also connected with the homeless population in Fort Morgan, building relationships through Rising Up, the local food bank/warming center.

Marla Vlieger – Marketplace Chaplain


After leading an adult education program for 14 years in Denver, Marla transitioned to full time church leadership in Fort Morgan for 4 years working with children, teens, and women. However, when that came to a natural end, God led her to begin the process of becoming a Marketplace Chaplain. In reflecting back on what she enjoyed the most while leading her adult education team and program, Marla knew it was working with adults one-on-one. The relationships developed were the reason many students continued to come and to make progress toward their goals. This makes the transition to being a Marketplace Chaplain a natural fit for Marla. Marketplace Chaplains are workplace caretakers, providing emotional support to employees while at work. They offer friendship, support, coaching, and help processing life and work issues. People who are open to it can ask for prayer or talk about spiritual things. Marla is excited for this new direction as a Marketplace Chaplain.

Bruce and Marla Vlieger
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