Paul & Jeannie McKean
In 62 years of service in the Lord’s army we have connected with a host of people. God has currently laid it on our hearts to reach out to those who have lost friends, spouses, or family members. We want to let them know they are not alone. Making calls, praying with them listening to their hurts and heartaches has been our mission. Jeannie is calling women and Paul the men. The love of Christ touching lives regularly throughout the year. A list of over 40+ in the last year is our challenge. We need your prayers. Thanks for your loving support.
Our mission is grounded In Joshua chapter 14. We are joining Caleb in “Taking the Hill Country” (TTHC) of our lives. We are challenging and encouraging individuals globally in the tough struggles of life. (marriage, deeper walk with the Lord and the pain of health and death). Our experience of the pastorate and 43 years of Cru has given us great exposure and training.
Our prayer has been to ask God to continue using us in “Taking the Hill Country” of life and empower us to see Him do the impossible as we trust Him to work.