Rebekah Perez
Rebekah served with her husband, Sam, through Cru's student ministry in Spain for 14 years, both in Madrid and Granada. Student ministry became more and more challenging while Rebekah homeschooled their three young kids --- Alex, Robby, and Keilah --- but her passion for teaching, discipleship, and sharing the gospel never diminished.
She now focuses on reaching out to other homeschool moms, both those who, apart from Christ, are searching for personal significance in the midst of diapers and extra-curricular activities, and those who follow Christ but need teaching and mentorship for growth. Rebekah is grateful for the things God has taught her through motherhood, the value and care that God gives to mothers, and the way that mothers have a huge influence on society through their children and grandchildren.
Feel free to contact her for more info about her ministry or for encouragement as a mom.
