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Robin Patrick

“Today’s Learner is Tomorrow’s Leader”

University campuses have become arenas for formations of new cultures. Apart from that, a global economy puts tremendous pressure on young people to be successful and manage their life while they are still learning how to do it.

This is where Robin aims to meet each student in their comfort zone, to help them to study better, manage their day-to-day lives, and make good, meaningful life-choices that will benefit their life on campus and their future.

Robin is inspired by Jesus’ call to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ and is committed to work each day to bring programs to students on every campus.

Robin provides study solutions through ongoing regular seminars, motivational talks and one-on-one mentoring to help each student find their life’s goal and purpose.

Robin and other developed trainers from different countries, lead the ‘Study with Success’ program in South Asia. They take student leaders involved in mentorship programs to different campuses in South and East Asian countries.

Robin has been training & mentoring students and young people for two decades, mobilizing more than 3,000 students globally. He has served in different capacities with 'Cru' for 20 years.

When Robin is not working, he likes to invite friends over and try cooking new dishes, along with some tried and tested ones. He loves to spend time learning Comparative History and develop ideas using ‘Design Thinking’. Thank you for your partnership in helping Robin to reach out and mentor next-generation leaders.

Robin Patrick
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