Terell McConnell
Beginning January 2019, Terell served as Member Service Coordinator and is now the Vice President of Administration, for Global Service Associates, to which she brings her organizational skills and her enjoyment of behind-the-scenes efforts in helping GSA run efficiently and to support its missionaries and ministry projects.
Less than a year after graduating from Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas in 2008, Terell and her husband, Corey, moved to Colorado in pursuit of a more outdoorsy and adventurous lifestyle. After a four-year career in commercial property management, she left the corporate world to pursue her passion for ending human trafficking. While a GSA Associate, she worked with Colorado-based nonprofit iEmpathize for six years. Then the Lord brought her the opportunity to join the Global Service Associates team while continuing to serve as a missionary. Terell and Corey have two daughters, Sloane and Rooney, and a mini-Aussie/corgi mix (aka "sausage dog"), named Annie Banana. Their time is filled with their daughter's extra-curricular activities and enjoying the outdoor lifestyle of living in Colorado!
